Quotes about Arrayed
But the Israelite army took courage and again took their battle positions in the same place where they had arrayed themselves on the first day.
- Judges 20:22
So all the men of Israel got up from their places and arrayed themselves at Baal-tamar, and the Israelites in ambush charged from their positions west of Gibeah.
- Judges 20:33
All these men of war, arrayed for battle, came to Hebron fully determined to make David king over all Israel. And all the rest of the Israelites were of one mind to make David king.
- 1 Chronicles 12:38
And he placed the rest of the forces under the command of his brother Abishai, who arrayed them against the Ammonites.
- 1 Chronicles 19:11
So Haman took the robe and the horse, arrayed Mordecai, and paraded him through the city square, crying out before him, “This is what is done for the man whom the king is delighted to honor!”
- Esther 6:11
Your people shall be willing on Your day of battle. Arrayed in holy splendor, from the womb of the dawn, to You belongs the dew of Your youth.
- Psalm 110:3