Quotes about Touch
touching God might be like touching a thick shaft of lightning, but one filled with pleasure. It might very well kill you, she said, but at least you'd die with a smile on your face.
- Ted Dekker
God is everything that is good, she writes. All life's pleasures and comforts are sacramental; they are God's hands touching us.
- Julian of Norwich
Prayer is waiting before Him and meditating long enough in His presence until our hearts are touched and moved with His concerns and burdens, so that we become channels for Him to work through.
- KP Yohannan
The real issues I don't think most people touch. The Clinton jokes are all about Monica Lewinsky and all that stuff and not about the important things, like the fact that he wouldn't ban landmines.
- Tom Lehrer
The question is not can we heal? The question, the only question, is will we let the healing power of the risen Jesus flow through us to reach and touch others, so that they may dream and fight and bear and run where the brave dare not go?
- Brennan Manning
There's only one healer in the New Israel of God and that is Jesus the Christ. The only question is will she allow the healing spirit of the risen Jesus to flow through her; will she reach out, and touch Him?
- Brennan Manning
We love because he first loved us" (1 John 4:19). We find freedom as we are touched by that first love. For it is that love that will break us away from our alienation and separation. It is a love that can soothe our compulsions to hoard and pretend we can organize the future. It is a love that allows us to love others.
- Henri Nouwen
Sensing the touch of God's blessing hands and hearing the voice calling me the Beloved are one and the same.
- Henri Nouwen
A noble craft, but somehow a most melancholy! All noble things are touched with that.
- Herman Melville
If you have a friend with a blond mustache, he wants to touch you.
- Pete Holmes
Joy never comes to those who seek it. In the self-forgetting hour when we are touched by another's need and sacrifice for it, we suddenly find our soul aflame with glorious joy.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
But maybe he was destructive by nature since he messed up every girl he touched.
- Margaret Atwood