Quotes about Agreement
Elections are always a little bit funny. People start saying things and emphasizing differences. After the election, my hope is, is that people start emphasizing what we have in common.
- Barack Obama
Our nation must come together to unite.
- George W. Bush
Each party should gain from the negotiation.
- Dale Carnegie
The way to go from discord to harmony is to go from concentrating on differences to concentrating on similarities.
- Tony Robbins
If you must compromise, compromise up.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
I disagree, but let's commit.
- Jason Fried
Beware the abuse of Power. Both by those we disagree with, as well as those we may agree with
- Ben Carson
Watch yourself that you make no covenant with the inhabitants of the land into which you are going or it will become a snare in your midst.
- Dutch Sheets
The Fates seldom forget the bargains made with them, or fail to ask for compound interest.
- Edith Wharton
Society is indeed a contract ... it becomes a participant not only between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born.
- Edmund Burke
There are also many descriptions in the poets and orators, which owe their sublimity to a richness and profusion of images, in which the mind is so dazzled as to make it impossible to attend to that exact coherence and agreement of the allusions, which we should require on every other occasion.
- Edmund Burke
You know what charm is a way of getting the answer yes without having asked any clear question.
- Albert Camus