Quotes about Politics
In a government whose distinguishing characteristic should be a diffusion and equalization of its benefits and burdens the advantage of individuals will be augmented at the expense of the community at large.
- Martin Van Buren
Most blacks want school vouchers, but most liberals vehemently oppose them. Why? Because what is good for teachers' unions is of more importance to the Left than what is good for blacks. Who, then, is racist? By their own admission, and by the policies they pursue, the answer is the people who call themselves progressive.
- Dennis Prager
I'm not an expert on the Middle East or terrorism or the use of military force or politics. It's all I can do to know a little bit about how to help people raise their kids and what to do when they get sick. When a war happens, I just hope it gets over with quickly so that how we take care of children becomes more important again.
- Mark Vonnegut
It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.
- Ronald Reagan
Government does not solve problems. It subsidizes them.
- Ronald Reagan
No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth!
- Ronald Reagan
Our government needs the church, because only those humble enough to admit they're sinners can bring democracy the tolerance it requires to survive
- Ronald Reagan
I didn't leave the Democratic party, the Democratic Party left me.
- Ronald Reagan
The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much.
- Ronald Reagan
My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you I just signed legislation which outlaws Russia forever. The bombing begins in five minutes.
- Ronald Reagan
The best minds are not in government.
- Ronald Reagan
For years, I've heard the question: "How could an actor be president?" I've sometimes wondered how you could be president and not be an actor.
- Ronald Reagan