Quotes about Politics
Lewandowski and Hope Hicks, the PR aide put on the campaign by Ivanka Trump, had an affair that ended in a public fight on the street—
- Michael Wolff
Jared and Ivanka had made an earnest deal between themselves: if sometime in the future the time came, she'd be the one to run for president (or the first one of them to take the shot).
- Michael Wolff
David Halberstam's The Best and the Brightest.
- Michael Wolff
Lou Dobbs, a mainstay of Trump support and philosophy, told Bannon he could not believe how delusional Trump had become.
- Michael Wolff
people might conclude that this was just more proof that you obviously couldn't hold Trump responsible for executing on anything, much less an attack on the U.S. Capitol.)
- Michael Wolff
just when you felt on top of the world in the Trump administration, you could probably count on getting cut down. That was the pattern and price of one-man leadership—insecure-man leadership.
- Michael Wolff
Sooner or later, Trump felt contempt for anyone who showed him too much devotion.
- Michael Wolff
He knew where this Russia stuff was coming from, and if these Obama people thought they were going to get away with it they had another think coming. He would expose them all!
- Michael Wolff
it was the Jarvanka idea to try to trade off amnesty for the border wall.
- Michael Wolff
Expertise was the last refuge of liberals, ever defeated by the big picture.
- Michael Wolff
Bannon and Kushner were therefore more than a little irritated to discover that the unimposing Priebus had an agenda of his own: heeding Senate leader Mitch McConnell's prescription that "this president will sign whatever is put in front of him," while also taking advantage of the White House's lack of political and legislative experience and outsourcing as much policy as possible to Capitol Hill.
- Michael Wolff
The Best and the Brightest. (One of the
- Michael Wolff