Quotes about Politics
It is not time to dissolve the bands that connect us to one another, but it is time to dissolve the "political" bands that separate us from one another... Let us start by doing what we've been trained for so long not to do: let us declare the causes that unite us.
- Glenn Beck
We could double our chances by working for one of these candidates, not against the other. For now, I've figured out how to answer reporters when they ask if I'm supporting Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. I just say yes.
- Gloria Steinem
That conflict follows politics as night follows day.
- Gloria Steinem
Try to stay away from places where you're not allowed to laugh, including religious ones. The absence of laughter is a giveaway that the religion in question is more political than spiritual, more about a hierarchy with God at the top than about godliness in all living things.
- Gloria Steinem
Older women especially saw Hillary Clinton as their last and best chance to see a woman in the White House. And not just any woman:7 as one said, "This isn't just about biology. We don't want a Margaret Thatcher, who cut off milk for schoolchildren.
- Gloria Steinem
The New York Times op-ed page changed it to "Women Are Never Front-Runners.
- Gloria Steinem
History is Force dressed up.
- Elbert Hubbard
What's distinctively shocking about Machiavelli is that he didn't care. He believed not only that politicians must do evil in the name of the public good, but also that they shouldn't worry about it. He was unconcerned, in other words, with what modern thinkers call 'the problem of dirty hands.'
- Michael Ignatieff
Comments that suggest that Muslims should be banned from the United States are offensive and unconstitutional.
- Mike Pence
What the right-wing in the United States tries to do is undermine the press.
- Stephen Colbert
Since I'm the president and Democrats have controlled the House and the Senate, it's understandable that people are saying, you know, 'What have you done?'
- Barack Obama
People have a very political way of looking at war, and that's understandable.
- Phil Klay