Quotes about Works
The bending of the mind by the powers of this world has twisted the gospel of grace into religious bondage and distorted the image of God into an eternal, small-minded bookkeeper. The Christian community resembles a Wall Street exchange of works wherein the elite are honored and the ordinary ignored.
- Brennan Manning
There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority, and science, which is based on observation and reason. Science will win because it works.
- Stephen Hawking
Our salvation is not "according to our works;" that is to say, it is not due to anything in us, nor the rewarding of anything from us; instead, it is the result of God's own "purpose and grace;" and this grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.
- AW Pink
God's supremacy over the works of His hands is vividly depicted in Scripture. Inanimate matter, irrational creatures, all perform their Maker's bidding.
- AW Pink
True, the Christian is not under the Law as a Covenant of Works nor as a ministration of condemnation, but he is under it as a rule of life and a means of sanctification.
- AW Pink
There is infinitely more power lodged in the nature of God than is expressed in all His works.
- AW Pink
The confession of evil works is the first beginning of good works.
- St. Augustine
But grace and effort are not opposites. Grace and earning are opposites.
- Mark Buchanan
But though my disease is grievous, it is not desperate; I have a gracious and infallible Physician. I shall not die — but live, and declare the works of the Lord.
- John Newton
I did everything that might be expected from a person entirely ignorant of God's righteousness who works to build his own self-righteousness.
- John Newton
Truth is grounded in God's Word, not our works.
- John Piper
H]ealing displays the works of God in John 9, and sustaining grace displays the works of God in 2 Corinthians 12. What is common in the two cases is the supreme value of the glory of God. The blindness is for the glory of God. The thorn in the flesh is for the glory of God. The healing is for his glory, and the non-healing is for his glory. Suffering can only have ultimate meaning in relation to God.
- John Piper