Quotes about Society
In a truly free society, people in every field would be free to express their views whether called religious or not, and the marketplace of ideas would be free to sort them out.
- John Frame
Look, demanding somebody do anything in this day and age is not going to fly.
- John Mayer
Religion is the metaphysics of the masses.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
It neither kills outright nor inflicts apparent physical harm, yet the extent of its destructive toll is already greater than that of any war, plague, famine, or natural calamity on record - and its potential damage to the quality of human life and the fabric of civilized society is beyond calculation. For that reason this sickness of the soul might well be called the 'Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse.' Its more conventional name, of course, is dehumanization.
- Ashley Montagu
Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage's whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men.
- Ayn Rand
The idea that 'the public interest' supersedes private interests and rights can have but one meaning that the interests and rights of some individuals take precedence over the interests and rights of others.
- Ayn Rand
Upper classes are a nation's past, the middle class its future.
- Ayn Rand
The civility which money will purchase, is rarely extended to those who have none.
- Charles Dickens
When all is said and done, the greatest satisfaction you'll have in this life as you grow old will be seeing your children grow in righteousness and faith and goodness as citizens of the society of which they are a part.
- Gordon Hinckley
A government is for the benefit of all the people.
- William Howard Taft
I feel like kids naturally love guns, so I was drawn to that.
- Rich Brian
We live in an atmosphere of shame. We are ashamed of everything that is real about us; ashamed of ourselves, of our relatives, of our incomes, of our accents, of our opinions, of our experience, just as we are ashamed of our naked skins.
- George Bernard Shaw