Quotes about Society
Every culture exploits some segment of society in order to entertain hungers, either private or public. We are all pleasure seekers, and what gives us pleasure is a revelation of our values.
- Ravi Zacharias
Marcello Pera, the atheist philosopher and former Italian politician, has argued powerfully that Western love of liberty, equality, and brotherhood simply wouldn't exist without the Christian message.4
- Ravi Zacharias
Contrary to what is popularly believed, deep in the heart of India, especially with the Nambudiris, society is quite matriarchal. Her step of faith in Christ, therefore, was a bigger blow to the family than one
- Ravi Zacharias
What holds the laws of a nation? It is the moral soil that must hold the roots.
- Ravi Zacharias
Oh, because a dream is a personal experience of that deep, dark ground that is the support of our conscious lives, and a myth is the society's dream. The myth is the public dream and the dream is the private myth. If your private myth, your dream, happens to coincide with that of the society, you are in good accord with your group. If it isn't, you've got an adventure in the dark forest ahead of you.
- Joseph Campbell
Why couldn't anybody understand that he was not really a freak but a normal, lonely adult trying to lead a normal, lonely adult life?
- Joseph Heller
No revolution that has ever taken place in society can be compared to that which has been produced by the words of Jesus Christ
- Josh McDowell
Average is very acceptable in our society but I don't think the angels are applauding. If you are determined to be excellent, to not back out of it, you will reap a harvest in your life.
- Joyce Meyer
Single women should not be made to feel they are missing something because they are not married. Married women should not be made to feel they must have a career to be complete.
- Joyce Meyer
Judging from the main portion of the history of the world, so far, justice is always in jeopardy.
- Walt Whitman
The shallow consider liberty a release from all law, from every constraint. The wise see in it, on the contrary, the potent Law of Laws.
- Walt Whitman
Since we now live in a society—and a world—that is fitfully drifting toward fascism, the breaking of silence is altogether urgent. In the institutional life of the church, moreover, the breaking of silence by the testimony of the gospel often means breaking the silence among those who have a determined stake in maintaining the status quo.
- Walter Brueggemann