Quotes about Society
what other society would have such a natural regard for her privacy and comfort that the giver would intrude only enough to deposit the gift and not inflict her with the donor?
- Frank Herbert
The Duke felt in this moment that his own dearest dream was to end all class distinctions and never again think of deadly order.
- Frank Herbert
Are we a troop together or a band of savages?
- Frank Herbert
In our society, people shouldn't be quick to take offense. It's frequently suicidal.
- Frank Herbert
The censure of your peers? But what if your peers balked at no obscenity? You could do anything.
- Frank Herbert
We try to copy these patterns in our lives and our society, seeking the rhythms, the dances, the forms that comfort. Yet, it is possible to see peril in the finding of ultimate perfection. It is clear that the ultimate pattern contains its own fixity. In such perfection, all things move toward death.
- Frank Herbert
a lesson from past over-machined societies which you appear not to have learned. The devices themselves condition the users to employ each other the way they employ machines.
- Frank Herbert
A leader, you see, is one of the things that distinguishes a mob from a people. He maintains the level of individuals. Too few individuals, and a people revert to a mob.
- Frank Herbert
What's so amazing in today's society is people look up to football players. And as a football player, you have a platform. And it's so much more important than any touchdown or trophy or anything you could win with football. Its taking that platform and be able to influence people.
- Tim Tebow
I think for a woman, the hardest thing about growing old is becoming invisible. There's something very front and center about being young.
- Amy Grant
Contemporary society urgently needs to recover a deep respect for the full sanctity of human life, but our neighbors will hear our words much more clearly if we live out a completely pro-life vision in every area of life.
- Ron Sider
I believe that all people should be free to believe and worship as they please. I also believe that people should be free to act in ways that I consider ethically wrong. But there is at least one important restriction on this freedom that every just society must maintain. My religious and ethical freedom does not include the right to kill other people.
- Ron Sider