Quotes about Society
Our society is just less open to platitudes, more open to stories.
- Max Lucado
Our best efforts at changing society will fall short unless the church can teach the world how to love.
- Philip Yancey
The aggregate happiness of the society, which is best promoted by the practice of a virtuous policy, is, or ought to be, the end of all government . . . .
- George Washington
We should be asking: How do we respond to a post-Christian society?
- Philip Yancey
Be salt, and a little bit of salt keeps the whole society from going rancid.
- Philip Yancey
[Liberty] is freedom of choice, a divine gift, an essential virtue in a peaceful society.
- David O. McKay
The Bible tells us, for instance, that there is going to be a cashless society. The Bible tells us that there is going to be global instability and excessive violence in the End Times.
- Greg Laurie
I learned to regard man as an inhabitant, or a part and parcel of nature, rather than a member of society.
- Henry David Thoreau
Agreeable society is the first essential in constituting the happiness and of course the value of our existence.
- Thomas Jefferson
It is our first duty to serve society, and after we have done that, we may attend wholly to the salvation of our own souls.
- Samuel Johnson
It is a problem, not clear in my mind, that [a society without government, as among our Indians] is not the best. But I believe it to be inconsistent with any great degree of population.
- Thomas Jefferson
There is a sort of economy in Providence that one shall excel where another is defective, in order to make men more useful to each other, and mix them in society.
- Joseph Addison