Quotes about Critique
A true critic ought to dwell rather upon excellencies than imperfections, to discover the concealed beauties of a writer, and communicate to the world such things as are worth their observation.
- Joseph Addison
Every writer with half a brain knows to surround himself or herself with editors who are smarter, far more articulate, and infinitely better looking.
- Chris Claremont
I wouldn't cross the street to hear Ingersoll preach on the mistakes of Moses, but I'd love to hear Moses preach on the mistakes of Ingersoll!
- Vance Havner
Love and religion! thought Clarissa, going back into the drawing room, tingling all over. How detestable, how detestable they are!
- Virginia Woolf
Holding the cup of life means looking critically at what we are living. This requires great courage, because when we start looking, we might be terrified by what we see. Questions may arise that we don't know how to answer. Doubts may come up about things we thought we were sure about. Fear may emerge from unexpected places.
- Henri Nouwen
The sciences need philosophy; philosophy, in turn, needs the sciences. On both sides, certain naive minds, too confident in their own forces and satisfied with ideas entirely too superficial, believed in the universal value of a single method. On both side a severe critique must lead each method back to its just limits, and teach them to ask aid of the other methods and manners of approach which, by their convergence, will permit the mind to embrace the diverse aspects of reality
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
The first reason is their majesty and their associated arrogance (Is 13:11, 19), which fits with the earlier critique of Assyria and of Judah itself (cf. also Is 16:6).
- John Goldingay
What right have such men to represent Christianity—as if it were an institution for getting up idiots genteelly?
- George Eliot
But her feeling towards the vulgar rich was a sort of religious hatred: they had probably made all their money out of high prices for everything that was not paid in kind at the Rectory: such people were no part of God's plan in making the world; and their accent was an affliction to the ears. A town where such monsters abounded was hardly more than a sort of low comedy, which could not be taken account of in a well-bred scheme of the universe.
- George Eliot
there's nothing kills a man so soon as having nobody to find fault with but himself.
- George Eliot
An old tutor of a college said to one of his pupils: Read over your compositions, and wherever you meet with a passage which you think is particularly fine, strike it out.
- Samuel Johnson
I listen to my old records and I think, 'How did I ever get on the radio?'
- Dolly Parton