Quotes about Philosophy
Whatever begins to exist has a cause; the universe began to exist; therefore, the universe has a cause"). Second
- William Lane Craig
The only way an actual infinite could come to exist in the real world would be by being created all at once, simply in an instant. It would be a hopeless undertaking to try to form it by adding one member after another.
- William Lane Craig
Ghazali frames his argument simply: "Every being which begins has a cause for its beginning; now the world is a being which begins; therefore, it possesses a cause for its beginning.
- William Lane Craig
In The Sound of Music, when Captain Von Trapp and Maria reveal their love for each other, what does Maria say? "Nothing comes from nothing; nothing ever could." We don't normally think of philosophical principles as romantic, but Maria was here expressing a fundamental principle of classical metaphysics.
- William Lane Craig
Adopting the multiverse hypothesis to explain our ordered observations would thus result once more in a strange sort of illusionism.
- William Lane Craig
there is no God, then life itself becomes meaningless. Man and the universe are without ultimate significance.
- William Lane Craig
Even though we may not like it, concludes Davies, we must say on the basis of the thermodynamic properties of the universe that the universe's energy was somehow simply "put in" at the creation as an initial condition.118 Prior to the creation, says Davies, the universe simply did not exist.
- William Lane Craig
Secularism Secularism is a worldview that allows no room for the supernatural: no miracles, no divine revelation, no God.
- William Lane Craig
Why didn't God make the world sooner? In the early fifth century AD, Augustine of Hippo answered that God did not make the universe at a point in time, but "simultaneously with time." That is, he believed God had created space and time together. Modern cosmologists have come to agree that he was right about space and time, and therefore it is meaningless to ask why the big bang didn't happen earlier than it did.
- William Lane Craig
Christianity entails doctrines that increase the probability of the coexistence of God and suffering.
- William Lane Craig
Reductio ad absurdum, or reduction to absurdity, is a form of argument that proves a statement by demonstrating that its opposite is absurd.
- William Lane Craig
Secularism is a worldview that allows no room for the supernatural: no miracles, no divine revelation, no God.
- William Lane Craig