Quotes about Philosophy
I never truly believed that human business was some serious thing.
- Albert Camus
Nothing could be more irrational than the idea that something comes from nothing.
- RC Sproul
Socrates: So even our walks are dangerous here. But you seem to have avoided the most dangerous thing of all. Bertha: What's that? Socrates: Philosophy. Bertha: Oh, we have philosophers here. Socrates: Where are they? Bertha: In the philosophy department. Socrates: Philosophy is not department. Bertha: Well, we have philosophers. Socrates: Are they dangerous? Bertha: Of course not. Socrates: Then they are not true philosophers.
- Peter Kreeft
It is reasonable to love the Absolute absolutely for the same reason it is reasonable to love the relative relatively.
- Peter Kreeft
Philosophy is not confined to philosophers, thank God. Everyone has a philosophy. As Cicero famously said, you have no choice between having a philosophy and not having one, only between having a good one and having a bad one. And not to admit that you have a philosophy at all is to have a bad one. For it is one that does not know itself. So how could it know anything else, especially us?
- Peter Kreeft
That's what's so striking about the title of Kushner's book: When Bad Things Happen to Good People. How is that fair? Well, the answer to that is that there are no good people.
- Peter Kreeft
Haven't you forgotten the first and most important lesson in all of philosophy, the lesson taught to all of us by Socrates, the father of philosophy? That you are wise only when you are humble, that the very first bit of wisdom and the prerequisite for all others is the realization that we are not wise
- Peter Kreeft
If we seek the truth without realizing how far we are from it, we will be dogmatists. If we realize how far we are from the truth but do not seek it, we will be skeptics. If we both seek the truth and realize how far we are from it, we will be wise.
- Peter Kreeft
Not all the truths of faith can be proved by reason, but all arguments against the truths of faith can be disproved by reason.
- Peter Kreeft
St. Thomas is as practical and plain and reasonable in ethics as Aristotle, or Confucius, or your uncle.
- Peter Kreeft
When the worldly toys in which we foolishly place our hopes for happiness are taken away from us, our foolishness is also taken away, and this brings us closer to true happiness, which is not in worldly things but in wisdom.
- Peter Kreeft
we are fallen fools, most of our philosophy is not "the proper use of human reason" but the improper use of human reason.
- Peter Kreeft