Quotes about Philosophy
The problem of pain has remained the single greatest question, not only for the skeptic who uses it as an excuse to doubt God's existence, but also for the believer who questions God's purpose.
- Ravi Zacharias
The message of Christ was not the introduction of a religion, but an introduction to truth about reality as God alone knows it.
- Ravi Zacharias
As Julie Andrews once sang, "Nothing came from nothing. Nothing ever could.
- Ravi Zacharias
Naturalism by its purpose engineers the displacement of the miracle and puts in its place explanations that defy reason. Those who smirk at His walking on water have forgotten the miracle He has already performed in the very composition of water. Think
- Ravi Zacharias
suffering," he said, "is mortality itself, which is the prime condition of life.
- Joseph Campbell
You must understand that each religion is a kind of software that has its own set of signals and will work.
- Joseph Campbell
One had to know Plato personally to appreciate the love he suppressed puritanically for the music, poetry, and drama he censured in his philosophy and censored in his model communities. They moved him too deeply.
- Joseph Heller
Well, maybe it is true, Clevinger conceded unwillingly in a subded tone. Maybe a long life does have to be filled with many unpleasant conditions if it's to seem long. But in that event, who wants one? I do, Dunbar told him. Why? Clevinger asked. What else is there?
- Joseph Heller
Why can't you be a fatalist about it the way I am? If I'm destined to unload these lighters at a profit and pick up some Egyptian cotton cheap from Milo, then that's what I'm going to do. And if you're destined to be killed over Bologna, then you're going to be killed, so you might just as well go out and die like a man. I hate to say this, Yossarian, but you're turning into a chronic complainer
- Joseph Heller
We have no empirical evidence of something emerging without a cause from absolute nothing.
- Josh McDowell
the cosmological argument. The idea is that everything that begins to exist must have a cause.
- Josh McDowell
1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause. 2. The universe began to exist. 3. Therefore the universe has a cause.
- Josh McDowell