Quotes about Philosophy
Seneca brings vividly before us a picture of the various scholars assembled in a school of the philosophers.
- Frederic William Farrar
The Why's of suffering keep us shrouded in a seemingly bottomless void of abstraction where God is reduced to a finite ethical agent, a limited psychological personality, whose purposes measure on the same scale as ours.
- Tullian Tchividjian
For me, it all begins with faith; it begins with what matters most, and I try and put what I believe to be moral truth first. My philosophy of government second. And my politics third.
- Mike Pence
Believing that there is no God does not mean that there isn't one.
- Ray Comfort
Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. I drink at it; but while I drink, I see the sandy bottom and detect how shallow it is. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains. I would drink deeper; fish in the sky, whose bottom is pebbly with stars. THOREAU, Walden
- Jon Kabat-Zinn
Truth is the agreement of our ideas with the ideas of God.
- Jonathan Edwards
T]here is nothing to say about life. It has no meaning. You make meaning. If you want a meaning in your life, find a meaning and bring it into your life, but life won't give you a meaning. Meaning is a concept. It is a notion of an end toward which you are going. The point of Buddhism is This Is It.
- Joseph Campbell
You really can't follow a guru. You can't ask somebody to give The Reason, but you can find one for yourself; you decide what the meaning of your life is to be. People talk about the meaning of life; there is no meaning of life--there are lots of meanings of different lives, and you must decide what you want your own to be.
- Joseph Campbell
You changed the definition of a myth from the search for meaning to the experience of meaning. CAMPBELL: Experience of life.
- Joseph Campbell
For then alone do we know God truly," writes Saint Thomas Aquinas, "when we believe that He is far above all that man can possibly think of God."[33] And
- Joseph Campbell
Moyers: {TS] Eliot speaks about the still point of the turning world, where motion and stasis are together, the hub where the movement of time and the stillness of eternity are together.
- Joseph Campbell
What I believe about God is the most important thing about me.
- AW Tozer