Quotes about Philosophy
Death was the only absolute value in my world. Lose life and one would lose nothing again for ever.
- Graham Greene
If I were writing a novel I would end it here: a novel, I used to think, has to end somewhere, but I'm beginning to believe my realism has been at fault all these years, for nothing in life now ever seems to end. Chemists tell you matter is never completely destroyed, and mathematicians tell you that if you halve each pace in crossing a room, you will never reach the opposite wall, so what an optimist I would be if I thought that this story ended here.
- Graham Greene
The open view of the future is the most plausible view because it squares with our everyday life. Whatever philosophy we might embrace, we all live as though the open view were true. With every decision we make we assume that much of our immediate future is settled (e.g., we take for granted the ongoing reality of our world and the laws of physics) but that some of it is up to us to decide. The open view simply says that this common-sense assumption is accurate.
- Gregory Boyd
At that moment they ceased being human beings and began to be human doings.
- Gregory Boyd
Socrates said that the unexamined life is not worth living. I think it applies to faith as well. The unexamined faith is not worth believing.
- Gregory Boyd
What makes a human being human? When does a human being become a person? When does a human being cease to be a person? What is the significance of being human? Is there an inherent value with inherent rights that go along with being human? These
- Gregory Boyd
Why did God even bother to create minds that naturally gauge their level of confidence in a belief on the evidence and arguments for and against it if he's only pleased with minds that can make themselves more certain than the evidence and arguments for it warrant? I just don't get it!
- Gregory Boyd
The very fact that what God creates is less than Himself introduces limitations and imperfections into the picture.
- Gregory Boyd
I wasn't looking for religion; I was looking for a world view.
- John Eldredge
What you believe about who you are, where you came from, affects your whole worldview.
- Ken Ham
I am totally convinced the Christian faith is the most coherent worldview around.
- Ravi Zacharias
The Soul's Upward Yearning by Fr. Robert Spitzer, the intergalactically smart Jesuit who once served as president of Gonzaga University and who now directs the Magis Center on matters of faith, reason, and science,
- Robert Barron