Quotes about Philosophy
A man cannot serve two masters: so it is either reason or the scriptures. - On Religion
- Arthur Schopenhauer
the ancient wisdom of the Indian philosophers declares, "It is Mâyâ, the veil of deception, which blinds the eyes of mortals, and makes them behold a world of which they cannot say either that it is or that it is not: for it is like a dream; it is like the sunshine on the sand which the traveller takes from afar for water, or the stray piece of rope he mistakes for a snake.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
The cause of laughter in every case is simply the sudden perception of the incongruity between a concept and the real objects which have been thought through it in some relation, and laughter itself is just the expression of this incongruity.... All laughter then is occasioned by a paradox.... This, briefly stated, is the true explanation of the ludicrous.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
To talk of rational beings apart from man is as if we attempted to talk of heavy beings apart from bodies.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
I have been pursuing my own train of thought for more than thirty years, undisturbed by all this, just because it is what I must do, and I could not do otherwise, out of an instinctive drive which is nonetheless supported by the confidence that what is thought truly and what throws light on obscurity will be grasped at some point by another thinking mind.XX
- Arthur Schopenhauer
The actual facts of morality are too much on my side for me to fear that my theory can ever be replaced or upset by any other.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
everyone desires to achieve old age, that is to say a condition in which one can say: Today is bad, and day by day it will get worse - until at last the worst of all arrives.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
The highest, i.e., the most general concepts, are the poorest; ultimately these are just empty shells, as, e.g., being, essence, thing, becoming, ect. - incidentally, whatever could philosophical systems produce when they are merely spun out of these same concepts and have as their matter only such empty shells of thought? They must be infinitely empty and poor, and therefore, turn out to be tedious and suffocating.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
It is a clear gain to sacrifice pleasure in order to avoid pain.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
always remember that we are in Germany where we have been able to do what would have been possible nowhere else: namely to proclaim as a great mind and profound thinker a mindless, ignorant, nonsense-spreading philosophaster who, through unprecedented, hollow verbiage, thoroughly and permanently disorganizes their brains. I mean our dear Hegel. And
- Arthur Schopenhauer
Time is that by virtue of which everything becomes nothingness in our hands and loses all real value.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
For boundless compassion for all living beings is the firmest and most certain guarantee of moral good conduct and requires no casuistry. Whoever is filled with it will certainly injure no one, infringe on no one, do no one harm, rather, forbear everyone, forgive everyone, help everyone as much as he can, and all his actions will carry the imprint of justice and loving kindness.
- Arthur Schopenhauer