Quotes about Philosophy
Who himself is not the cause of his own unrest? Reflect how no one is hampered by any other; and that all is as thinking makes it so.
- Marcus Aurelius
Does what's happened keep you from acting with justice, generosity, self-control, sanity, prudence, honesty, humility, straightforwardness, and all the other qualities that allow a person's nature to fulfill itself? So remember this principle when something threatens to cause you pain: the thing itself was no misfortune at all; to endure it and prevail is great good fortune.
- Marcus Aurelius
Remind yourself that your task is to be a good human being; remind yourself what nature demands of people. Then do it, without hesitation, and speak the truth as you see it. But with kindness. With humility. Without hypocrisy.
- Marcus Aurelius
In a word, if there is a god, all is well; and if chance rules, do not thou also be governed by it.
- Marcus Aurelius
States will never be happy until rulers become philosophers or philosophers become rulers. —PLATO, The Republic
- Marcus Aurelius
And as for thy life, consider what it is; a wind; not one constant wind neither, but every moment of an hour let out, and sucked in again.
- Marcus Aurelius
To be the same in all circumstances—intense pain, the loss of a child, chronic illness. And to see clearly, from his example, that a man can show both strength and flexibility.
- Marcus Aurelius
When he speaks of death as a necessary change, and points out that nothing useful and profitable can be brought about without change
- Marcus Aurelius
Sayest thou unto that rational part, Thou art dead; corruption hath taken hold on thee? Doth it then also void excrements? Doth it like either oxen, or sheep, graze or feed; that it also should be mortal, as well as the body?
- Marcus Aurelius
What death is, and the fact that, if a man looks at it in itself, and by the abstractive power of reflection resolves into their parts all the things which present themselves to the imagination in it, he will then consider it to be nothing else than an operation of nature;
- Marcus Aurelius
Inquire of thyself as soon as thou wakest from sleep, whether it will make any difference to thee, if another does what is just and right. It will make no difference.
- Marcus Aurelius
What do you want, rational minds or irrational?" Rational minds. "What sort of rational minds, calm or disturbed?" Calm. "How can you acquire calm, rational minds?" We already have them. "Really? Then why are you squabbling among yourselves?" —Socrates
- Marcus Aurelius