Quotes about Storytelling
Live your life fom your heart. Share from your heart. And your story will touch and heal people's souls.
- Melody Beattie
It has been somewhere said by Johnson, that merely to invent a story is no small effort of the human understanding.
- Maria Edgeworth
Whoever tells the best story wins.
- John Quincy Adams
Live your life in a way that is worth telling stories about.
- Mark Batterson
The future of the codex book, with pages and so forth? A platform for transmitting narratives. There are others.
- Margaret Atwood
Do not despise the small but significant symbolic act. God probably does not want you to reorganize the entire discipline or the entire world of your vocation overnight. Learn to be symbol-makers and story-tellers for the kingdom of God.
- NT Wright
First, we break bread and drink wine together, telling the story of Jesus and his death, because Jesus knew that this set of actions would explain the meaning of his death in a way that nothing else--no theories, no clever ideas--could ever do.
- NT Wright
Tell someone to do something, and you change their life—for a day; tell someone a story and you change their life.
- NT Wright
But the early Christians—who themselves knew only too well that the world had not turned into Utopia overnight and that they still faced suffering, prison, and death—firmly believed that what had happened on the cross was the Messianic victory. That is why they told the story the way they did.
- NT Wright
The Christian churches in general have always been subject to the temptation to use the Bible to annotate the story we want to tell for ourselves, rather than allow the Bible to tell its own story and invite us to join in.
- NT Wright
Stories and images can be powerful means for conveying ideas. Every time we read a book or watch a movie, we enter into an imaginative
- Nancy Pearcey
Someday he would write his memoirs, when his adventures had arranged themselves into a suitably attractive package.
- Olga Tokarczuk