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Quotes about Appreciation

Every night I fell asleep to a different Beatles album. So I'm very familiar with the Beatles Ringo was my favorite Beatle until I grew up and then changed. I made the switch over to George Harrison just in time to regain my cool.
- Christina Ricci
What all disciplines have in common is a search for rules and a commitment to them. And what all great learners have is a deep appreciation for finding better rules and a commitment to keeping them. That is why great learners are careful about what commitments they make and then keeping them.
- Henry B. Eyring
We are sometimes made aware of a kindness long passed, and realize that there have been times when our friends' thoughts of us were of so pure and lofty a character that they passed over us like the winds of heaven unnoticed when they treated us not as what we were, but as what we aspired to be. -- from A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
- Henry David Thoreau
There are three things that grow more precious with age; old wood to burn, old books to read, and old friends to enjoy.
- Henry Ford
Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.
- Henry Ward Beecher
The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Pride slays thanksgiving, but an humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Remember God's bounty in the year. String the pearls of His favor. Hide the dark parts, except so far as they are breaking out in light! Give this one day to thanks, to joy, to gratitude!
- Henry Ward Beecher
He who hunts for flowers will finds flowers; and he who loves weeds will find weeds.
- Henry Ward Beecher
We never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves.
- Henry Ward Beecher
No matter what looms ahead, if you can eat today, enjoy today, mix good cheer with friends today enjoy it and bless God for it.
- Henry Ward Beecher
The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!
- Henry Ward Beecher