Quotes about Commandment
T]o scorn the dictate of reason is to scorn the commandment of God (I-II,19,5).
- Peter Kreeft
There you are. A simple commandment. Not ten of them, just one: 'Thou shalt not eat.' (Personally, I wish the very first edict from God hadn't involved dieting, don't you?)
- Liz Curtis Higgs
It seems somewhat illogical to say, You have violated God's commandment 'Thou shalt not kill,' so therefore I will kill you.
- Jimmy Carter
The Hebrew original does not say, 'Do not kill.' It says, 'Do not murder.' Both Hebrew and English have two words for taking a life — one is 'kill' (harag, in Hebrew) and the other is 'murder' (ratzach in Hebrew).
- Dennis Prager
The next time you hear someone cite, 'Do not kill' when quoting the sixth commandment, gently but firmly explain that it actually says, 'Do not murder".
- Dennis Prager
Unfortunately, most English-language Bibles, going back to the King James translation, have translated this verse as "Thou shalt not kill." This has led to many people using this commandment to defend pacifism and to oppose capital punishment for murder.
- Dennis Prager
In its final words The Spirit of Utopia expresses the new symbiosis of Jewish commandment and modern will: `Only the wicked exist through their God; but the righteous - God exists through them
- Jurgen Moltmann
The most often repeated commandment in the Bible is "Do not fear." It's in there over two hundred times. That means a couple of things, if you think about it. It means we are going to be afraid, and it means we shouldn't let fear boss us around.
- Donald Miller
Love Yahweh your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.'" Yahweh required nothing less
- Lynn Austin
The text was Jesus' commandment from the twelfth chapter of Mark to love thy neighbor as thyself. Dominie said that loving our neighbor didn't necessarily mean we must feel loving emotions toward them, but that we must speak lovingly to them, rather than in anger or derision. And we must do acts of lovingkindness and compassion, deliberately and frequently, demonstrating the undeserved grace God shows to us.
- Lynn Austin
A new commandment I give you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. (John 13:34—35)
- Thabiti M. Anyabwile
John teaches that the commandment is to believe in the name of Jesus Christ and to love one another. If our love of other Christians is cold, we need to examine whether or not we have savingly believed on Christ Jesus the Son of God.
- Thabiti M. Anyabwile