Quotes about Freedom
You may settle among us, and the land will be open to you. Live here, move about freely, and acquire your own property.”
- Genesis 34:10
So Pharaoh sent for Joseph, who was quickly brought out of the dungeon. After he had shaved and changed his clothes, he went in before Pharaoh.
- Genesis 41:14
Naphtali is a doe set free that bears beautiful fawns.
- Genesis 49:21
Therefore, go! I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring My people the Israelites out of Egypt.”
- Exodus 3:10
But I know that the king of Egypt will not allow you to go unless a mighty hand compels him.
- Exodus 3:19
And I will grant this people such favor in the sight of the Egyptians that when you leave, you will not go away empty-handed.
- Exodus 3:21
and I told you to let My son go so that he may worship Me. But since you have refused to let him go, behold, I will kill your firstborn son!’”
- Exodus 4:23
After that, Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said, “This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: ‘Let My people go, so that they may hold a feast to Me in the wilderness.’”
- Exodus 5:1
But Pharaoh replied, “Who is the LORD that I should obey His voice and let Israel go? I do not know the LORD, and I will not let Israel go.”
- Exodus 5:2
I will take you as My own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the LORD your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians.
- Exodus 6:7
“Go and tell Pharaoh king of Egypt to let the Israelites go out of his land.”
- Exodus 6:11
Then say to him, ‘The LORD, the God of the Hebrews, has sent me to tell you: Let My people go, so that they may worship Me in the wilderness. But you have not listened until now.
- Exodus 7:16