Quotes about Freedom
Freedom is not the permission to do what you like. It's the power to do what you ought.
- Os Guinness
Knowing that you are completely forgiven destroys the power of sin in your life.
- Joseph Prince
Nothing truly stops you. Nothing truly holds you back. For your own will is always within your control.
- Epictetus
Free will is the power of choosing good and evil.
- Origen
Freedom is the power to create out of nothing, the power of the spirit to create out of itself.
- Nikolai Berdyaev
What is called a republic, is not any particular form of government ... it is naturally opposed to the word monarchy, which means arbitrary power.
- Thomas Paine
A Constitution is not the act of a Government, but of a people constituting a government, and a government without a constitution is a power without right.
- Thomas Paine
Believing that you are the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus and simply receiving the gift of no condemnation gives you the power to go and sin no more.
- Joseph Prince
I need not wait for I have the power to choose my own destiny.
- Og Mandino
The way to secure liberty is to place it in the people's hands, that is, to give them the power at all times to defend it in the legislature and in the courts of justice.
- John Adams
Use wisely your power of choice.
- Og Mandino
If you feel the urge, don't be afraid to go on a wild goose chase. What do you think wild geese are for anyway?
- Will Rogers