Quotes about Freedom
Man had freedom to choose the good, but this same freedom also allowed him to choose the bad. This is called moral freedom.
- Greg Koukl
And then, there will be some black men who can remember that, with silent tongue, and clenched teeth, and steady eye, and well-poised bayonnet, they have helped mankind on to this great consummation.
- Abraham Lincoln
I think the authors of that notable instrument [the Declaration of Independence] intended to include all men.
- Abraham Lincoln
I never knew a man who wished to be himself a slave. Consider if you know any good thing, that no man desires for himself.
- Abraham Lincoln
If the negro is a man, why then my ancient faith teaches me that 'all men are created equal,' and that there can be no moral right in connection with one man's making a slave of another.
- Abraham Lincoln
Men are free to decide their own moral choices, but they are also under the necessity to account to God for those choices.
- AW Tozer
Man is man, and master of his fate.
- Alfred Lord Tennyson
The most powerful men are not public men: a public man is responsible, and a responsible man is a slave. It is private life that governs the world.
- Benjamin Disraeli
For the power of Man to make himself what he pleases means... the power of some men to make other men what THEY please.
- CS Lewis
Censors are dead men set up to judge between life and death. For no live, sunny man would be a censor, he'd just laugh.
- DH Lawrence
To every man, even though he be a slave, the light of heaven is sweet.
- Euripides
Man is tormented by no greater anxiety than to find someone quickly to whom he can hand over that great gift of freedom with which the ill-fated creature is born.
- Fyodor Dostoevsky