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Quotes about Freedom

Knowing who we are in Christ sets us free from the need to impress others.
- Joyce Meyer
I urge you to stop remembering what God has forgotten.
- Joyce Meyer
Forgive as often as you must and don't put limits on it.
- Joyce Meyer
Understanding that we are forgiven and cleansed, and knowing who we are in Christ sets us free from the need to impress others. As long as we know who we are, we don't have to be overly concerned about what others think of us. Once we know who we are and accept ourselves, we no longer have anything to prove. When we have nothing to prove we can relax and be at ease in every situation.
- Joyce Meyer
There are two types of approval: one is from people, and the other is from God. We want people to approve of us, but if we become addicted to their approval, if we have to have it and are ready to do whatever they demand to get it, we lose our freedom. If we trust God for approval, we are freed from the addiction of approval.
- Joyce Meyer
You are not free until you have no need to impress anybody.
- Joyce Meyer
You will notice in Scripture that Jesus never tried to defend Himself, no matter what He was accused of. Why? Because He knew the truth about Himself, and that was the important thing to Him. He was not addicted to approval from people; therefore, He was free from the tyranny of what they might think of Him or say about Him. He was satisfied by the knowledge He possessed of Himself. He did not need anyone else's approval except His heavenly Father's, and He knew He had that. True
- Joyce Meyer
Father, I thank You that I don't have to carry guilt and shame around with me as I go through my life.
- Joyce Meyer
The truth of God's word sets you free.
- Joyce Meyer
If someone has hurt me, and I am bitter about it, that person is in actuality still hurting me. Bitterness is a pain in itself. It is a negative attitude that steals joy and peace. However, if I am willing to press past the pain and make a decision to forgive, I will be free.
- Joyce Meyer
you abide in My word [hold fast to My teachings and live in accordance with them], you are truly My disciples. And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.
- Joyce Meyer
that keeps us from entering into and enjoying the life that God has freely bestowed upon us is our own sin consciousness
- Joyce Meyer