Quotes about Christian
Separation to God, separation from the world, is the first principle of Christian living.
- Watchman Nee
What is a Christian? The richest answer I know is that a Christian is one who has God as Father.
- JI Packer
It's our Christian duty to offer spiritual worship to God that engages our minds, stirs our hearts & flows from our lips.
- Alistair Begg
The Christian should take nothing short of Christ for his model.
- Charles Spurgeon
Genuine Christian experience must always include an encounter with God Himself.
- AW Tozer
Many a professing Christian is a stumbling-block because his worship is divided. On Sunday he worships God; on weekdays God has little or no place in his thoughts.
- DL Moody
How is God's name hallowed among us? When both our doctrine and living are truly Christian.
- Martin Luther
An ongoing relationship with God through His Word is essential to the Christian's consistent victory!
- Beth Moore
A Christian's authenticity is show in difficult hours it is in difficult hours that the church grows in authenticity. Blest be God for this difficult hour in our archdiocese. Let us be worthy of it.
- Oscar Romero
CHRISTIAN LIVING MOVES from what God has freely done for us in Christ to what we should freely do for others.
- John Piper
Nothing should so occupy the mind of the Christian than discovering God each day.
- AW Tozer
All places are places of worship to a Christian. Wherever he is, he ought to be in a worshiping frame of mind.
- Charles Spurgeon