Quotes about Christian
I'm concerned about the plight of children. But I'm not on a mission to get all the available orphans in the world adopted into Christian homes.
- Andy Stanley
The Christian sees the world as a transitional home badly in need of rehab, and we are active agents in that project.
- Philip Yancey
Hope, for the Christian, is not wishful thinking or mere blind optimism. It is a mode of knowing, a mode within which new things are possible, options are not shut down, new creation can happen.
- NT Wright
Heaven: The Coney Island of the Christian imagination.
- Elbert Hubbard
Sometimes we must be very aggressive in our dealings with the enemy. Gordon Lindsay used to say every Christian should pray at least one violent prayer every day.
- Dutch Sheets
Arm yourself with resignation. We live in a world full of evil. In the later period of life, misfortunes seem to thicken round us and out duty and our peace both require that we should accustom ourselves to meet disaster with Christian fortitude
- Alexander Hamilton
The true knowing, living Christian complains more frequently and more bitterly of the wants and woes within him, than without him(55).
- Richard Baxter
A graceless, inexperienced preacher is one of the most unhappy creatures upon earth: and yet he is ordinarily very insensible of his unhappiness; for he has so many counters that seem like the gold of saving grace, and so many splendid stones that resemble Christian jewels, that he is seldom troubled with the thoughts of his poverty; but (Rev3:15) thinks he is "rich, and increased in goods, and stands in need of nothing, when he is poor, and miserable, and blind, and naked." He
- Richard Baxter
When the world is worth nothing, then heaven is worth something. I leave every Christian to judge by his own experience, whether we do not overlove the world more in prosperity than in adversity (374) [.]
- Richard Baxter
If thy meditation tends to fill thy note-book with notions, and good sayings, concerning God, and not thy heart with longing after him, and delight in him, for aught I know thy book is as much a Christian as thou (553).
- Richard Baxter
Do you know that much of the Christian warfare consisteth in the combat between the flesh and the Spirit; and that is the very difference between a true Christian and a wicked wretch, that one liveth after the Spirit, and mortifieth the deeds and desires of the body, and the other liveth after the flesh?
- Richard Baxter
We are creating many para-church organizations, and some new studies claim that if we look at the statistics, we will see that Christians are not leaving Christianity as much as they are realigning with groups that live Christian values in the world, instead of just gathering to again hear the readings, recite the creed, and sing songs on Sunday.
- Fr. Richard Rohr