Quotes about Christian
The future of this nation depends on the Christian training of our youth.
- George Washington
We are chosen for joy. However hard the Christian way, it is both in the traveling and in the goal, the way of joy.
- William Barclay
Neither the Church of Christ, nor a Christian Commonwealth, ought to tolerate such as prefer private gain to the public weal, or seek it to the hurt of their neighbors.
- Martin Bucer
Prayer is a strong wall and fortress of the church it is a goodly Christian weapon.
- Martin Luther
Virtually the whole of the scriptures and the understanding of the whole of theology—the entire Christian life, even—depends upon the true understanding of the law and the gospel.
- Martin Luther
The Deceiver can magnify a little sin for the purpose of causing one to worry, torture, and kill oneself with it. This is why a Christian should learn not to let anyone easily create an evil conscience in him. Rather let him say, "This error and this failing pass away with my other imperfections and sins, which I must include in the article of faith: I believe in the forgiveness of sins.
- Martin Luther
One thing, and one alone, is necessary for life, justification, and Christian liberty; and that is the most holy word of God, the Gospel of Christ
- Martin Luther
Hope is a soldier. It fights against tribulations, the Cross, despondency, despair, and waits for better things to come in the midst of evil. Without hope faith cannot endure. On the other hand, hope without faith is blind rashness and arrogance because it lacks knowledge. Before anything else a Christian must have the insight of faith, so that the intellect may know its directions in the day of trouble and the heart may hope for better things. By faith we begin, by hope we continue.
- Martin Luther
Thus the Turks also regard us as damned because of the disasters and troubles we endure. But they promise themselves eternal happiness because they flourish in this life with wealth and power. This is the Egyptian philosophy and the Turkish religion. The Christian doctrine refutes it, as is taught elsewhere.
- Martin Luther
Therefore the first care of every Christian ought to be to lay aside all reliance on works, and strengthen his faith alone more and more, and by it grow in the knowledge, not of works, but of Christ Jesus
- Martin Luther
The law is not made for a righteous man" (1 Tim. i. 9). This is that Christian liberty, our faith, the effect of which is, not that we should be careless or lead a bad life, but that no one should need the law or works for justification and salvation.
- Martin Luther
Unless a sharp distinction is maintained between the purpose and function of the Law and the Gospel, the Christian doctrine cannot be kept free from error.
- Martin Luther