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Quotes about Christian

It is often helpful to keep records of how each hour in a given week is spent, and then look at the record in the light of scriptural priorities. The results may be shocking. Often the record shows that we have much more time available for Christian service than we imagine.
- J. Oswald Sanders
The ordination of women is not a matter of adaptation to changed social conditions. It has to do with new fife from the beginnings of the Christian church: life out of the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
- Jurgen Moltmann
But underlying that sweet and blessed communion of the Christian with his God there is a true knowledge of God. A communion with God which is independent of that knowledge of God is communion with some other god and not with the living and true God whom the Bible reveals.
- J. Gresham Machen
This book proves that a godly attitude lies at the heart of Christian leadership. It does not borrow principles of leadership from the world and apply them to the church, but rather derives principles of leadership directly from the Scriptures.
- J. Oswald Sanders
Prayer is indeed the Christian's vital breath and native air.
- J. Oswald Sanders
Christians who take without distinction, as divinely inspired, every spontaneous impression and every more or less developed interior reaction of their own spirit face to face with the divine Word are in greater danger than anyone else of stifling the Spirit by confusing him with their own unconscious caricature.
- Louis Bouyer
It is possible to be saved without assurance, but it is scarcely possible to be a healthy Christian without assurance.
- Joel Beeke
Christian's attempt to help remedy the perilous condition of these three sleeping pilgrims is met with indifference, indolence, and intolerance. Christian, troubled by the lack of spiritual concern in the religious world, does his best to bring about a change, but all his efforts are scorned and rebuffed. Lesson one for the new Christian-many a careless and indifferent traveler will not survive the pilgrimage. 6.
- John Bunyan
Bun.  That practice of theirs, I abhor, said I; yet it doth not follow that, because they did so, therefore all others will do so.  I look upon it as my duty to behave myself under the King's government, both as becomes a man and a Christian, and if an occasion were offered me, I should willingly manifest my loyalty to my Prince, both by word and deed.
- John Bunyan
Loosed of his burden, Christian makes his way to the bottom of the hill where he finds three men fast asleep. Foolish represents spiritual dullness and ignorance. Sloth represents spiritual laziness. Presumption represents spiritual pride and arrogance. The consequences of all three conditions are self-inflicted incarceration and lack of progress on the King's Highway.
- John Bunyan
Faithful is also a reminder of how important companionship is to the Christian walk, but not more important than the desire for eternal life that motivated Faithful to keep fleeing for his life, no matter how strong the desire for friendship. Chapter
- John Bunyan
Want of reverence of the Word is the ground of all disorders that are in the heart, life, conversation, and in Christian communion.
- John Bunyan