Quotes about Acquisition
Each of the soldiers had taken plunder for himself.
- Numbers 31:53
But the women, children, livestock, and whatever else is in the city—all its spoil—you may take as plunder, and you shall use the spoil of your enemies that the LORD your God gives you.
- Deuteronomy 20:14
He who acquires wisdom loves himself; one who safeguards understanding will find success.
- Proverbs 19:8
By your wisdom and understanding you have gained your wealth and amassed gold and silver for your treasuries.
- Ezekiel 28:4
You will eat but not be satisfied, and your hunger will remain with you. What you acquire, you will not preserve; and what you save, I will give to the sword.
- Micah 6:14
After conferring together, they used the money to buy the potter’s field as a burial place for foreigners.
- Matthew 27:7
In both cases, what it all comes down to is users. You'd think that a company about to buy you would do a lot of research and decide for themselves how valuable your technology was. Not at all. What they go by is the number of users you have.
- Paul Graham
The parallel, rather, is with human language. It is human to have the ability to speak, an essential part of the image of God in us. Nonetheless, concrete language, which exists in countless forms, is not native but acquired; it is learned.
- Herman Bavinck
I think the acquisition of consumers might be on the verge of being mapped. The battlefield is going to be retention and lifetime value.
- Gary Vaynerchuk
2. Greed, or acquisitive desire.
- Peter Kreeft
For many men, the acquisition of wealth does not end their troubles, it only changes them.
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca
I cannot think it either Vanity or Virtue to acknowledge, that the Acquisition and communication of Knowledge, are the sole Entertainment of my Life
- John Adams