Quotes about Church
In the church, we think of ourselves as all part of God's family. That means that we think of the people of where we worship as brothers and sister--part of our family. The church people have been treating us as the family members we are.
- Ben Carson
Meanness at church sometimes exceeds anything that occurs in secular surroundings.
- Beth Moore
Oh, that the church would fall on its face and cry out the words the prophet Habakkuk cried: "LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known" (3:2).
- Beth Moore
Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think … to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 3:20—21
- Beth Moore
As long as you have a male covering, were words I'd heard over and over again, and I believed them to my bones. A male covering was the key to a woman being blessed by God in ministry.
- Beth Moore
Liberty in Christ only becomes a reality in life through knowing and applying the truth of God's Word, not just taking our Bibles to church or keeping them on our nightstands.
- Beth Moore
Pervasive gender exclusivity in the organic development of the church does not—indeed, it cannot—bear ripe fruit, because half of what is required for maturity is all but missing. It's tantamount to slicing the body of Christ at the waist and dividing it pound for pound. We could claim each half got their share, but the body would still be in pieces.
- Beth Moore
I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the forces of Hades will not overpower it. Matthew 16:18
- Beth Moore
Christ's vehement frustration with the church of Laodicea was that she'd be of some use! The last thing I want to tout is a works-centered faith, but we have been called to faith-centered works. Christ intends for us to be useful! Churches are meant to be viable, active forces in their communities. In
- Beth Moore
All the reasons which require the subjection of a believer to the brethren of a particular church, require his subjection to all his brethren in the Lord.
- Charles Hodge
I like how it presented this contradiction because traditionally gay people have been shut out from the church, so 'Sanctify' was claiming a bit of that back and saying, 'My sexuality is holy.'
- Olly Alexander
The day is coming when there will not be one sick saint in the body of Christ.
- Benny Hinn