Quotes about Church
The church is never in so much danger as when it is popular and millions of people are saying "I'm born again, born again, born again.
- Eugene Peterson
Morris again. "This is good, helpful. Now that we are talking this way, I realize that for those twenty years that I was an engineer sitting in the pew each Sunday, I never had a patient pastor—they were all trying to get me 'with the program,' shape me up, get me, as they put it, 'involved.' I don't want to become a pastor like that. I don't think that is what pastors are for.
- Eugene Peterson
Ziklag: for me this became the premier biblical site for realizing that when we get serious about the Christian life, we eventually end up in a place and among people decidedly uncongenial to what we expected. At least uncongenial to what I expected. That place and people is often called a church. It is hard to get over the disappointment that God, having made an exception in my case, didn't seem to call nice, accomplished, courteous, alert people to worship.
- Eugene Peterson
Whether we like it or not, the moment we confess Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, that is, from the time we become a Christian, we are at the same time a member of the Christian church.
- Eugene Peterson
One person says, "I don't feel like worshiping; therefore I am not going to church. I will wait till I feel like it and then I will go." Another says, "I don't feel like worshiping; therefore I will go to church and put myself in the way of worship." In the process she finds herself blessed and begins, in turn, to bless.
- Eugene Peterson
The cultivation of consumer spirituality is the antithesis of a sacrificial, "deny yourself" congregation.
- Eugene Peterson
Backslider was a basic word in the religious vocabulary I learned as I grew up. Exempla were on display throughout the town: people who had made a commitment of faith to our Lord, had been active in our little church but had lost their footing on the ascent to Christ and backslid.
- Eugene Peterson
St. Paul had to deal with some of these people in the church at Thessalonica. They were saying that since God had done everything in Christ there was nothing more for them to do.
- Eugene Peterson
The hunger problem is not going to be solved by government or by industry but in church, among Christians who learn a different way to pursue happiness.
- Eugene Peterson
So much of the time it is not complacency that threatens but its opposite, impetuosity. We see something that is wrong, whether in the world or in the church, and we fly into action, righting the wrong, confronting sin and wickedness, battling the enemy, and then we go out vigorously recruiting "Christian soldiers".
- Eugene Peterson
The vocation of pastor(s) has been replaced by the strategies of religious entrepreneurs with business plans.
- Eugene Peterson
It has been religious people, often within the organized church, who have been the most critical of and even hostile to my relationship with God.
- Anne Graham Lotz