Quotes about Church
The truth is that most mission work is carried out where the church already exists Only small percentages are working where the church is non-existent.
- George Verwer
Churches need to be intentional about reaching the next generation by creating templates for young people to see that there is a stepping stone for leadership in this church.
- Tony Evans
Jesus is not manufacturing a new idea for human relationships or the church. His prayer reflects what God's design has always been.
- Timothy Lane
This passage is not encouraging unwise activity that overloads your schedule with church events and obligations. Nor does it ask you to turn normal relational moments into abnormal witnessing encounters.
- Timothy Lane
Change within community is counterintuitive to the way we often think, but Scripture clearly presents it as God's way of making us more like Christ.
- Timothy Lane
So that the body of Christ may be built up
- Timothy Lane
I use both the 'I' and the 'we.' For on many, many matters, I am not simply expressing ideas that have happened to occur to Joseph Ratzinger, but I am speaking out of the common life of the Church's communion.
- Pope Benedict XVI
We can never get around to being one nation under God if we can't even get around to being one Church under God.
- Tony Evans
Similarly, a primary objective for Christian educators and a major task of professional pastors, if not the foremost task, should be the wholesale elimination of condemnation and anti-intellectualism from the local church.
- Dallas Willard
Most problems in contemporary churches can be explained by the fact that members have never decided to follow Christ.
- Dallas Willard
How to combine faith with obedience is surely the essential task of the church as it enters the twenty-first century.
- Dallas Willard
The "Western" segment of the church today lives in a bubble of historical illusion about the meaning of discipleship and the gospel. We are dominated by the essentially Enlightenment values that rule American culture: pursuit of happiness, unrestricted freedom of choice, disdain of authority.
- Dallas Willard