Quotes about Church
He hath cause also to walk humbly with God and be little in his own eyes, and to remember withal, that his gifts are not his own, but the churches; and that by them he is made a servant to the church; and he must also give at last an account of his stewardship unto the Lord Jesus, and to give a good account will be a blessed thing.
- John Bunyan
In the ordinary church, it is suppressed by respectability, by a desire to appear better than we really are.
- E Stanley Jones
It is important to be in the 'we' of the Church, in the 'we' of the life of the Liturgy.
- Pope Benedict XVI
The author urges taking the pulse of the church outside our own neighborhood. More church attending Presbyterians in Ghana than Scotland, and while Western pastors beg to fill seats, some African pastors are asking people only to attend every second or third week to give room for others in packed churches.
- Dinesh D'Souza
THINGS JESUS NEVER SAID: You should come with me to church.
- Donald Miller
In church, the rules of the lifeboat don't apply. Church is the refuge where the Kingdom of God is emulated, not mocked.
- Donald Miller
I believed if word got out about grace, the whole church was going to turn into a brothel.
- Donald Miller
I told her how frustrating it is to be a Christian in America, and how frustrated I am with not only the church's failures concerning human rights, but also my personal failure to contribute to the solution.
- Donald Miller
In the churches I used to go to, I felt like I didn't fit in... I was accepted but not understood. There was room at the table for me, but I was not part of the family.
- Donald Miller
I liked the idea of loving people just to love them, not to get them to come to church.
- Donald Miller
In my opinion, the greatest sin in the church of Jesus Christ in this generation is ignorance of the Word of God. Many times I have heard a church officer say, "Well I don't know much about the Bible, but..." and then he gives his opinion, which often actually contradicts the Word of God! Why doesn't he know much about the Bible? These things were written aforetime for our learning. God wants you to know His Word.
- J. Vernon McGee
It has been said that some people go to church to eye the clothes and others go to close their eyes.
- J. Vernon McGee