Quotes about Church
If God can't get the attention of the church house, He's certainly not going to stop by the White House.
- Tony Evans
If Jesus Christ isn't the central figure in our lives and in our churches, we're only fooling ourselves.
- AW Tozer
God's covenant with the church and Israel is unbreakable.
- David Wilkerson
A church is a soul-saving company or it is nothing.
- Charles Spurgeon
People don't come to church for preachments, of course, but to daydream about God.
- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
We need to be skilled into knowing God and His Word, then act as excellent translators of these things to the people in our churches.
- Vicky Beeching
It is the task of youth not to reshape the church, but rather to listen to the word of God.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Satan is willing to have us worship anything, however sacred - the Bible, the crucifix, the church - if only we do not worship God Himself.
- DL Moody
If you can explain what is happening in a church, apart from the sovereign act of God, it is not revival.
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Regardless of what we say, it's what we do that reveals what we as a church or individual actually believe about God and His will for us.
- Henry Blackaby
According to the New Testament, God wills that the church be a people who show what God is like.
- Stanley Grenz
And another thing is that I think as a church whenever we become politically driven, we alienate at least 50 percent of the people that God called us to reach with our political orientations.
- Bishop TD Jakes