Quotes about Church
For most of us, church is merely an event we attend or an organization we belong to. We do not see it as a calling that shapes our entire life.
- Paul David Tripp
Church leadership is a people-building ministry; to function any other way is both unbiblical and dangerous.
- Paul David Tripp
the true crisis in the modern evangelical church is not dissatisfaction; it's the opposite. We're all too satisfied.
- Paul David Tripp
Many of us would be relieved if God had placed our sanctification in the hands of trained and paid professionals, but that simply is not the biblical model. God's plan is that through the faithful ministry of every part, the whole body will grow to full maturity in Christ. The leaders of his church have been gifted, positioned, and appointed to train and mobilize the people of God for this "every person, everyday" ministry lifestyle.
- Paul David Tripp
I am persuaded that the church today has many more consumers than committed participants.
- Paul David Tripp
The church is a community of unfinished people living in a broken world and still in need of God's forgiving and transforming grace. The church isn't meant, for either leaders or those being led, to be comfortable; it's meant to be personally transformational.
- Paul David Tripp
People move from church to church as if the churches in their community are nothing more than ecclesiastical department stores. They're shopping for just the right preacher, women's ministry, youth ministry, or worship style. These Christians' relationship to the church mirrors my relationship to Macy's.
- Paul David Tripp
Many Christians also live inside the church virtually unknown. They slip in and out of the weekly service almost unnoticed. Sure, they will exchange niceties with the people near them, and if they do that, they will learn a few cursory details about one another's lives, but they don't really have a relationship with the people with whom they worship.
- Paul David Tripp
If you followed the Lord for a thousand years, you would still need the ministry of the body of Christ as much as you did the day you first believed.
- Paul David Tripp
Not knowing is hard. It would be nice to know if that elder is going to succumb to the temptation of being divisive. It would be nice to know if the finances of the church are going to rebound. It would be nice to know how that new preaching series will be received, if those young missionaries will make all the adjustments that they need to make, or if you'll get the permits to build that needed worship space.
- Paul David Tripp
Even worship is less important than Jesus. In fact, worship can become an idol in the church. Some Christians probably worship worship more than they worship Jesus. Some worship leaders probably worship worship-leading more than they worship Jesus. It was never meant to be an industry, a genre in Walmart, a karaoke show on Sunday. If you really want to lead worship, learn to wonder.
- Pete Greig
Church is too often the most risky place to be spiritually honest.
- Peter Enns