Quotes about Church
Those who strive to delay or hinder the restoration of the church will accomplish nothing. God is its vindicator, and he will judge all peoples.
- John Calvin
For in our own day we see many who are stupid enough to be so overcome by the mere title of "the church," that they take sides with the pope, and would be damned forever rather than raise a finger against his authority.
- John Calvin
This then is the highest adornment of the Kingdom of Christ, that he rules over his church by his Spirit.
- John Calvin
For every family of the pious ought to be a church.
- John Calvin
For access to the church of God was open to the Gentiles who were to take the place left empty by the Jews.
- John Calvin
Daniel and Paul foretold that Antichrist would sit in the temple of God (Dan. 9:27; 2 Thess. 2:4); we regard the Roman Pontiff as the leader and standard-bearer of that wicked and abominable kingdom.[541] By placing his seat in the temple of God, it is intimated that his kingdom would not be such as to destroy the name either of Christ or of his Church.
- John Calvin
Priests are set up by the pope and his followers to sacrifice Christ, not to teach the people.
- John Calvin
God established the law itself as the perpetual rule of his church, to be always in the hands of men, and to be followed by all posterity.
- John Calvin
God very commonly takes on the character of a husband to us. Indeed, the union by which he binds us to himself when he receives us into the bosom of the church is like sacred wedlock.
- John Calvin
The greatest victory of God took place when Christ, having overcome sin, conquered death, and put Satan to flight, was lifted up to heaven in majesty, that he might reign gloriously over the church. Therefore
- John Calvin
The Church is our mother, inasmuch as God has committed to her the kind office of bringing us up in the faith until we attain full age.
- John Calvin
the Church may exist without any apparent form, and, moreover, that the form is not ascertained by that external splendour which they foolishly admire, but by a very different mark, namely, by the pure preaching of the word of God, and the due administration of the sacraments.
- John Calvin