Quotes about Well-being
The effect of laughter on the body is immediate. Laughing actually lowers blood pressure, reduces stress hormones, and increases muscle flexion. • Laughter increases your resistance to infections. • Laughter also triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, and produces a general sense of well-being.
- Joyce Meyer
Worry and anxiety do, however, change us. It can make us sick and grouchy. A medical researcher recently told me that 87 percent of all illness is connected to wrong thought patterns.
- Joyce Meyer
your life will not get straightened out until your mind does.
- Joyce Meyer
Think Yourself Happy
- Joyce Meyer
That divine rest on the seventh day of creation has made clear (a) that YHWH is not a workaholic, (b) that YHWH is not anxious about the full functioning of creation, and (c) that the well-being of creation does not depend on endless work.
- Walter Brueggemann
The general claim of the oracle is that a new regime of peace and well-being will displace the older (Roman) order of violence and extortion.
- Walter Brueggemann
Thus, Sabbath is a mighty antidote to an economy of depletion and diminishment, because it entails participation in a community that does not believe that human well-being and worth are established by endless productivity.
- Walter Brueggemann
Sabbath, in the first instance, is not about worship. It is about work stoppage. It is about withdrawal from the anxiety system of Pharaoh, the refusal to let one's life be defined by production and consumption and the endless pursuit of private well-being.
- Walter Brueggemann
Unforgiveness, bitterness, pride, even disappointment have the ability to rot the bones of man (see Proverbs 14:30).
- Darlene Zschech
He brings eventual well-being for those who turn to Him, regardless of any hardship He may allow, but eventual calamity for those who reject Him, regardless of how well their immediate life may be going.
- James MacDonald
I really do care about the health of the players. That's one of the tough things about the NFL - it's so physically tough on the players.
- Paul Allen
Finish each day before you begin the next, and interpose a solid wall of sleep between the two.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson