Quotes about Well-being
The happiest people I know are separated followers of Jesus Christ. They are not dependent on artificial stimulants. They do not resort to sick, dirty jokes. They do not abuse their bodies to relax their minds.
- Billy Graham
The strain of Christian service can result in sickness . . . I have known Christian workers who have risked their lives and health in serving the Lord.
- Billy Graham
- Bob Marley
No man, who continues to add something to the material, intellectual and moral well-being of the place in which he lives, is left long without proper reward.
- Booker T. Washington
If you don't take a Sabbath, something is wrong. You're doing too much, you're being too much in charge. You've got to quit, one day a week, and just watch what God is doing when you're not doing anything.
- Eugene Peterson
The happy man in this life needs friends.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
I have good laugh every day. I enjoy life. I'm surrounded by love and positivity.
- Kevin Hart
Not only do you not do your best work in the "dangerously over-challenged" range, but if you stay in this range for very long, something in your life will break. I don't care how resilient you are, how much energy you naturally possess, or how much mental toughness you think you have; something will break. You will not be exempt from this law. Your health, marriage, connection with your kids, relationship with God, emotional well-being—something is going to crack.
- Bill Hybels
To love as Jesus loves we have to put truth telling ahead of peace keeping. We also have to put the other person's well-being ahead of the comfort level of our relationship.
- Bill Hybels
He willeth we know that not only He taketh heed to noble things and to great, but also to little and to small, to low and to simple, to one and to other. And so meaneth He in that He saith: ALL MANNER OF THINGS shall be well. For He willeth we know that the least thing shall not be forgotten.
- Julian of Norwich
I witness many signs of hope. I don't have to wait until all is well, but I can celebrate every little hint of the Kingdom that is at hand.
- Henri Nouwen
When you get exhausted, frustrated, overwhelmed, or run down, your body is saying that you are doing things that are none of your business. God does not require of you what is beyond your ability, what leads you away from God, or what makes you depressed or sad.
- Henri Nouwen