Quotes about Care
A mother is the truest friend we have . . .
- Washington Irving
The ecological teaching of the Bible is simply inescapable: God made the world because He wanted it made. He thinks the world is good, and He loves it. It is His world; He has never relinquished title to it. And He has never revoked the conditions, bearing on His gift to us of the use of it, that oblige us to take excellent care of it.
- Wendell Berry
The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope.
- Wendell Berry
The old adage tells us "Garbage in, garbage out." I'm afraid too many of us who are believers in Christ don't take proper care of what we feed our minds. So much in the way of entertainment is not honorable. We are taught to be cynical and skeptical, even about truths of God. But God's Word doesn't warn us about the negative in these verses. Through Paul's letter to the Philippians, God tells us to fix our minds on the positive.
- Darlene Zschech
To trust someone is to believe that he or she has your best interests in mind, that the person will protect you from harm and is reliable.
- James Bryan Smith
To disrespect a person made in the image and likeness of God is a lot worse than desecrating a flag. We should be offended and repulsed in the same way when God's image bearers are desecrated — abused, beaten, neglected, discriminated against, and not loved and taken care of as they should be.
- James MacDonald
Nothing is more important than your family. Nothing comes before your responsibility to watch out for them and provide a home safe from any assault upon them, body or soul.
- James MacDonald
Avoid a remedy that is worse than the disease.
- Aesop
My husband and I live for our pets, or I can say that I do.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
I really do care about the health of the players. That's one of the tough things about the NFL - it's so physically tough on the players.
- Paul Allen
I do not think that I am a natural born mother... If I ever wanted to mother anyone, it was my father.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Every nurse ought to be careful to wash her hands very frequently during the day. If her face, too, so much the better.
- Florence Nightingale