Quotes about Care
God knows the time for joy and truly Will send it when he sees it meet When He has tried and purged thee duly And found thee free from all deceit. He comes to thee all unaware And makes thee own His loving care.3
- John Piper
The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.
- John Wooden
It is written that God cursed the ground for man's sake. Genesis 3:17. The thorn and the thistle—the difficulties and trials that make his life one of toil and care—were appointed for his good as a part of the training needful in God's plan for his uplifting from the ruin and degradation that sin has wrought.
- Ellen White
It is true, care should be taken to furnish the table with healthful food prepared in a wholesome and inviting manner. Do not think that anything you can carelessly throw together to serve as food is good enough for the children. But less time should be devoted to the preparation of unhealthful dishes for the table, to please a perverted taste, and more time to the education and training of the children.
- Ellen White
Health is a treasure. Of all temporal possessions it is the most precious.
- Ellen White
It is not the empty cup that we have difficulty in carrying; it is the cup full to the brim that must be carefully balanced.
- Ellen White
Not even a sparrow falls to the ground without the Father's notice. Satan's hatred against God leads him to hate every object of the Saviour's care. He seeks to mar the handiwork of God, and he delights in destroying even the dumb [voiceless] creatures.
- Ellen White
To the dwellers in Eden was committed the care of the garden, "to dress it and to keep it." Their occupation was not wearisome, but pleasant and invigorating. God appointed labor as a blessing to man, to occupy his mind, to strengthen his body, and to develop his faculties. In mental and physical activity Adam found one of the highest pleasures of his holy existence.
- Ellen White
If we are sick, we impose a weary tax upon our friends, and unfit ourselves for discharging our duties to our families and to our neighbors.
- Ellen White
To be a priest is to know that things are not as they should be and yet to care for them the way they are.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
I hate getting ill, it irritates me so I try to stay reasonably healthy.
- Bill Bailey
All of us have to recognize that we owe our children more than we have been giving them.
- Hillary Clinton