Quotes about Afterlife
Alluding to hell is a warning that a person can completely neglect his purpose in life. I don't believe in an eternal hell.
- Hans Kung
Do you always believe in the life to come? Mine was always that.
- Samuel Beckett
Likewise, most of the world goes to bed at night under the assumption that if they were to die in their sleep, they would find themselves standing at the pearly gates. After all, good people go to heaven. And just about everybody thinks they are good.
- Andy Stanley
If there were no immortality there would be no need for temples. There would be no need for eternal marriage if there were no eternity.
- Gordon Hinckley
You think those dogs will not be in heaven! I tell you they will be there long before any of us.
- Robert Louis Stevenson
You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us.
- Robert Louis Stevenson
There was no attack on religion because people were generally indifferent to religion. They were neither hot nor cold. They were the tepid, the materialistic, who hoped that by Sunday churchgoing they would be taking care of the afterlife, if there were an afterlife. Meanwhile they would get everything they could in this.
- Dorothy Day
No man can resolve himself into Heaven.
- DL Moody
I firmly believe that when you die you will enter immediately into another life. They who have gone before us are alive in one form of life and we in another.
- Norman Vincent Peale
Death opens a door out of a little, dark room (that's all the life we have known before it) into a great, real place where the true sun shines and we shall meet.
- CS Lewis
If people would but provide for eternity with the same solicitude and real care as they do for this life, they could not fail of heaven.
- John Tillotson
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. 2 Corinthians 5:10
- Liz Curtis Higgs