Quotes about Worth
One who does not deserve your tears does not deserve your heart.
- Matshona Dhliwayo
We ought to desire whatever is really good for us and nothing else.
- Mortimer Adler
Don't ever make the mistake of telling God that you have nothing to offer. That simply is not true. God does not create any junk.
- Myles Munroe
Your financial requirements or wants have nothing whatever to do with your WORTH. Your value is established entirely by your ability to render useful service or your capacity to induce others to render such service.
- Napoleon Hill
Life has no bargains. Everything that you get that's worthy of having has a price upon it.
- Napoleon Hill
One of the strange things about human beings is that they value only that which has a price.
- Napoleon Hill
Although we might settle for less, Heavenly Father won't, for he sees us as the glorious beings we are capable of becoming.
- Joseph Wirthlin
We should not, however, judge the value of our meditation by "how we feel." A hard and apparently fruitless meditation may in fact be much more valuable than one that is easy, happy, enlightened and apparently a big success.
- Thomas Merton
Is life worth living? That depends on the liver.
- Anonymous
To argue over who is the more noble is nothing more than to dispute whether dirt is better for making bricks or for making mortar.
- Teresa of Avila
Lest I keep my complacent way I must remember somewhere out there a person died for me today. As long as there must be war, I ask and I must answer was I worth dying for?
- Eleanor Roosevelt
All precious things discovered lateTo those that seek them issue forth, For Love in sequel works with Fate, And draws the veil from hidden worth
- Alfred Lord Tennyson