Quotes about Completeness
In the infinity of life where I am, All is perfect, whole and complete, I no longer choose to believe in old limitations and lack, I now choose to begin to see myself As the Universe sees me --- perfect, whole, and complete.
- Louise Hay
Perfect purity, fullness of joy, everlasting freedom, perfect rest, health and fruition, complete security, substantial and eternal good.
- Hannah More
My starting point is that we're already there. We cannot attain the presence of God because we're already totally in the presence of God. What's absent is
- Fr. Richard Rohr
What if Christ is another name for everything—in its fullness?
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Whole people see and create wholeness wherever they go; split people see and create splits in everything and everybody. By the second half of our lives, we are meant to see in wholes and no longer just in parts. Yet we get to the whole by falling down into the messy parts - so many times, in fact, that we long and thirst for the wholeness and fullness of all things, including ourselves. I promise you this unified field is the only and lasting meaning of up.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
God's power under us, in us, surging through us, is exactly what turns dependence into unforgettable experiences of completeness.
- Bruce Wilkinson
Gospel is the divine announcement that you are loved and accepted exactly as you are, that everything has been taken care of, that everything you've been striving to earn has been yours the entire time, that you belong, in exactly this condition that you are currently in, nothing additional required or needed.
- Rob Bell
I love this simply because it's cute, and I guess it's a sign of the times in many respect. It's pretty much saying you complete me, only in the sweetest way possible.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off a portion of one's being, but by integration of the contraries.
- Carl Jung
Life is a full meal.
- Lisa Nicole Carson
Woman, in the picture language of mythology, represents the totality of what can be known. The hero is the one who comes to know.
- Joseph Campbell
All the stories and poems and letters and oracles and wisdom verses of God's Word, like individual instruments in a great orchestra, serve THE WHOLE story.
- James MacDonald