Quotes about Satisfaction
Love itself compensates for any diminishment.
- Marianne Williamson
Debt comes from wanting more than God's current provision for your life and arranging other ways to get it.
- Bill Hybels
God has called His creation to find satisfaction in a personal relationship with Him, and stop trying to manage the world by conforming it to our expectations, and to allow Him to govern His creation. He continues to say through an ancient Hebrew worship song, Be still and know that I am God!
- Charles Swindoll
Suffering is an oxymoron. There is unfathomable peace and satisfaction in suffering for Christ. It is as though you have searched endlessly for your purpose in life and now found it in the most unexpected place: In the death of your flesh. It is certainly a moment worth of laughter and dance. And in the end it is not suffering at all. The apostle Paul recommended that we find joy in it. Was he mad?
- Ted Dekker
She was complete, wholly restored without even a hint of any need for further correction. The
- Ted Dekker
What love can you possibly need from the world if you are already full of His? None.
- Ted Dekker
Desire is individual. Happiness is common.
- Julian Casablancas
Anything less then God, ever me wanteth.
- Julian of Norwich
Every time you close another door—be it the door of immediate satisfaction, the door of distracting entertainment, the door of busyness, the door of guilt and worry, or the door of self-rejection—you commit yourself to go deeper into your heart and thus deeper into the heart of God.
- Henri Nouwen
God has created you and me with a heart that only God's love can satisfy. And every other love will be partial, will be real, but limited, will be painful. And if we are willing to let the pain prune us, to give us a deeper sense of our belovedness, then we can be as free as Jesus and walk on this world and proclaim God's first love, wherever we go.
- Henri Nouwen
Every time you do something that comes from your needs for acceptance, affirmation, or affection, and every time you do something that makes these needs grow, you know that you are not with God. These needs will never be satisfied; they will only increase when you yield to them. But every time you do something for the glory of God, you will know God's peace in your heart and find rest there.
- Henri Nouwen
While busy with and worried about many things, we seldom feel truly satisfied, at peace, or at home.
- Henri Nouwen