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Quotes about Satisfaction

Personal success or personal satisfaction are not worth another thought if one does achieve them, or worth worrying about if they evade one or are slow in coming. All that is really worth while is action - faithful action, for the world, and in God.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Do the best you can . . . enjoy the present . . . rest satisfied with what you have.
- Seneca
Life, if well lived, is long enough.
- Seneca
The question becomes not just how to accumulate more, but how to covet less.
- Shane Claiborne
The world is thirsty. All creation is groaning. Christianity as it is has not satisfied the souls of those who hunger for another way of life.
- Shane Claiborne
I've done everything I wanted to do, even if I have had to pay a very high price - which has been the case most of the time.
- Paulo Coelho
It is not greedy to enjoy a good dinner, any more than it is to enjoy a good concert. But I do think there is something greedy about trying to enjoy the dinner and the concert at the same time.
- GK Chesterton
She tried to demonstrate her power over him. She stayed away from his house; she waited for him to come to her. He spoiled it by coming too soon; by refusing her the satisfaction of knowing that he waited and struggled against his desire; by surrendering at once.
- Ayn Rand
The prospect of experiencing pleasure was not worth the effort; he had no desire to experience pleasure.
- Ayn Rand
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
- Barack Obama
No one longs for what he or she already has, and yet the accumulated insight of those wise about the spiritual life suggests that the reason so many of us cannot see the red X that marks the spot is because we are standing on it. The treasure we seek requires no lengthy expedition, no expensive equipment, no superior aptitude or special company. All we lack is the willingness to imagine that we already have everything we need. The only thing missing is our consent to be where we are.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
I've about decided that's the main thing that separates happy people from the other people: the feeling that you're a practical item, with a use, like a sweater or a socket wrench.
- Barbara Kingsolver