Quotes about Satisfaction
If I become content by having my desire satisfied, that is only self-love; but when I am contented with the hand of God and am willing to be at His disposal, that comes from my love to God.
- Jeremiah Burroughs
If you would get a contented life, do not grasp too much of the world, do not take in more of the business of the world than God calls you to.
- Jeremiah Burroughs
To be well skilled in the mystery of Christian contentment is the duty, glory, and excellence of a Christian.
- Jeremiah Burroughs
So be satisfied and quiet, be contented with your contentment. I lack certain things that others have, but blessed be God, I have a contented heart which others have not.
- Jeremiah Burroughs
A dollar picked up in the road is more satisfaction to you than the ninety-and -nine which you had to work for, and money won at faro or in stock snuggles into your heart in the same way.
- Mark Twain
Joy in one's work is the consummate tool.
- Phillips Brooks
If your work is stressful, it's not your work.
- Marty Rubin
What can still that hunger of the heart which sickens the eye for beauty, and makes sweet-scented ease an oppression?
- George Eliot
Research has shown that the best way to be happy is to make each day happy.
- Deepak Chopra
When it's over and you look in the mirror, did you do the best you were capable of? If yes, you will probably be ok with the outcome
- John Wooden
The purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer. All business activities must be focused on this central purpose.
- Brian Tracy
It is well worth remembering that the customer is the most important factor in any business. If you don't think so, try getting along without him for a while.
- Napoleon Hill