Quotes about Abundance
Living is giving....If you spend your money on yourself, you are just surviving. But if you want your life to count, if you want to really live - give.
- Timothy Keller
Hundreds would never have known want if they had not first known waste.
- Charles Spurgeon
The gracious, eternal God permits the spirit to green and bloom and to bring forth the most marvelous fruit, surpassing anything a tongue can express and a heart conceive.
- Johannes Tauler
To greed, all nature is insufficient.
- Seneca
I also heard a good metaphor from a rancher. He was talking cows, but I think it works with people too. He explained that there are two ways to keep your cows together. One is by building fences and gates. The other is by creating a really good food source. When you create a really good food source in the center, you don't have to worry as much about all the gates and fences and who's in and who's out.
- Shane Claiborne
God's people are not to accumulate stuff for tomorrow but to share indiscriminately with the scandalous and holy confidence that God will provide for tomorrow.
- Shane Claiborne
God is not asking us to not have anything or even to give away every single thing that we have. He is asking us to share with people who have less than us, which we do all the time.
- Joyce Meyer
I do think at a certain point you've made enough money.
- Barack Obama
Water, in Grace, is an all-or-nothing proposition, like happiness. When you have rain you have more than enough, just as when you're happy and in love and content with your life, you can't remember how you ever could have felt cheated by fate.
- Barbara Kingsolver
The primary human endowments are 1) self-awareness or self-knowledge; 2) imagination and conscience; and 3) volition or willpower. The secondary endowments are 4) an abundance mentality; 5) courage and consideration; and 6) creativity. The seventh endowment is self-renewal. All are unique human endowments; animals don't possess any of them. But they are all on a continuum of low to high levels.
- Stephen Covey
The history of the world teaches that the power of joy in people doesn't come in getting, it always comes in giving, contributing, adding more. The more you give, the more you live. If you're about something better, live for something higher than self.
- Stephen Covey
Universal principles or natural laws, such as responsibility, integrity, abundance and renewal
- Stephen Covey