Quotes about Abundance
When I arrived, I saw a great number of trees along both banks of the river.
- Ezekiel 47:7
Wherever the river flows, there will be swarms of living creatures and a great number of fish, because it flows there and makes the waters fresh; so wherever the river flows, everything will flourish.
- Ezekiel 47:9
Fishermen will stand by the shore; from En-gedi to En-eglaim they will spread their nets to catch fish of many kinds, like the fish of the Great Sea.
- Ezekiel 47:10
Along both banks of the river, fruit trees of all kinds will grow. Their leaves will not wither, and their fruit will not fail. Each month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will be used for food and their leaves for healing.”
- Ezekiel 47:12
Its leaves were beautiful, its fruit was abundant, and upon it was food for all. Under it the beasts of the field found shelter, in its branches the birds of the air nested, and from it every creature was fed.
- Daniel 4:12
whose foliage was beautiful and whose fruit was abundant, providing food for all, under which the beasts of the field lived, and in whose branches the birds of the air nested—
- Daniel 4:21
Yet the number of the Israelites will be like the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured or counted. And it will happen that in the very place where it was said to them, ‘You are not My people,’ they will be called ‘sons of the living God.’
- Hosea 1:10
And the earth will respond to the grain, to the new wine and oil, and they will respond to Jezreel.
- Hosea 2:22
His shoots will sprout, and his splendor will be like the olive tree, his fragrance like the cedars of Lebanon.
- Hosea 14:6
And the LORD answered His people: “Behold, I will send you grain, new wine, and oil, and by them you will be satisfied. I will never again make you a reproach among the nations.
- Joel 2:19
Do not be afraid, O beasts of the field, for the open pastures have turned green, the trees bear their fruit, and the fig tree and vine yield their best.
- Joel 2:22
The threshing floors will be full of grain, and the vats will overflow with new wine and oil.
- Joel 2:24